Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Last Action Hero

April 11, 2014

Donna had never seen Last Action Hero. Chris & Carlos convinced her to watch it by describing it as one of the first mainstream movies to flirt with this sort of cheeky self-awareness. They remembered it as a misunderstood gem that was too ahead of its time in the pre-"meta" cinematic landscape of 1993.

Then they all watched it and realized that was a bunch of hot air.

Chris comes to terms with the fact that his memories of this film always lie to him, the bloated running time prevents Donna from being able to really engage with it, and Carlos still enjoys most of it but recognizes that several sequences could probably be axed.

Other topics include: the effect this film had on Schwarzenegger's career and tentpole movies in general, the differences between the original spec script and the finished product, the loosely defined logic of the magic ticket and how these different worlds operate, a climax that commits the cardinal sin of making a promise it doesn't keep, and much more!

But don't worry - it's not 90 min of complaining. There's still an awful lot to love about this movie.

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