Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?


March 28, 2014

None of us had seen the 1987 comedy Mannequin in a really long time and we were all pretty stunned to discover that this movie doesn't offer any explanations for what's happening. That pre-credits scene in Egypt? Irrelevant. The circumstances that led to Emmy becoming a mannequin? Never touched on. The reason that Jonathan's the only one that can see her? Doesn't matter.

Chris has fond memories of watching this as a kid and still enjoys the film despite the glaring problems. Donna didn't pay much attention to it when she was younger and Carlos was more interested in swooning over Kristy Swanson in the sequel.

In addition to the story's complete lack of logic, they also discuss the character of Hollywood and how the filmmakers might have been trying to send the right message in the wrong way, what Roxy's fashion choices tell us about a woman's role in the workforce during the late 80s, the one important aspect of this concept that the much-maligned Mannequin Too actually handles better, the super-awkward chapter of his life that Chris will always associate with this movie, and much much more!

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