Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Varsity Blues

March 14, 2014

We thought it might be fun to revisit a movie that came out when we were in high school so Carlos suggested Varsity Blues. This coming-of-age story was his first introduction to these up-and-coming stars and to the legendary Jon Voight.

Donna wasn't interested in it when it was originally released, but eventually discovered it on cable and has grown to love it over the years (though mostly ironically). Chris had never seen it before and was a little nervous that this was probably just not for him.

After taking a look at what was going on in the world in 1999, they discuss how the film sort of sidesteps what should be the real conflicts in the story, Voight's pretty spectacular performance of an underwritten character, the bizarre sexual politics at work here that allow Tweeter to be treated like a hero while Darcy's just a sad slut, the various ways this connects to Friday Night Lights, and much more.

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