Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

January 17, 2014

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brand has seen its share of peaks and valleys over the years, but when the first live-action film was released in the spring of 1990, the heroes in a half-shell were at the apex of their popularity.  This was one of the first "event" movies for Chris, Donna, and Carlos - and all three of them were at exactly the right age to be completely captivated by it.

In this episode they discuss how the filmmakers blended elements from the original comic book and the wildly successful 1987 cartoon series to craft something that honored both mythologies while simultaneously staking its own claim. They also discuss the practical effects created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop, speculate over what Shredder's long-term plan is, share a surprising anecdote about the Turtles' canonical origin, and much more. 

Although the film still works for the most part, they also reveal some of their issues with it - including the Turtles' curious lack of involvement in the climax's two biggest moments and the fact that Casey Jones probably didn't need to be in this particular story.

And then Donna introduces a new rule that sets the stage for the weirdest round of Who Would You Be and Who Would You F? that they've ever played.

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