Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Empire Records

December 06, 2013

Empire Records may not be a great film, but it is a beloved cult favorite. The initial reviews were pretty terrible and it sort of came and went from theaters in the blink of an eye. So how has it amassed such a devoted following in the years since its release? Why does it continue to resonate with audiences when so many of its contemporaries have long since been forgotten?

Chris, Donna, and Kristen take a look at both the original cut and the Special Fan Edition to see if they can figure it out. Chris was introduced to the film as a kid. Donna and Kristen didn't discover it until much later in life. They determine how this might have affected their opinions and what they each got out of those inaugural viewings.

Other topics include - the additional/alternate material from the extended cut and whether or not it fixes or compounds the issues of the original version, what's still missing from both cuts (entire characters, subplots, and even a second day at the store), the uncomfortable realization that some of us now identify more with the adults than the kids, and much much more.

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