Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Dick Tracy

September 13, 2013

There's no denying that Dick Tracy is a visually impressive film. The production design, the cinematography, and the effects are all truly incredible. Chris doesn't think it's a bad movie by any means, but he's always been a little baffled by all the love for it. Even as a kid he felt like the story wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the world it took place in. Carlos is a little bit more forgiving of its flaws and Donna still unabashedly adores it.

In this episode we marvel over the film's striking palette, question some of the unusual editing decisions, discuss the pros & cons of the script's broad characterizations, take a look at alternate versions of the story that were abandoned early on, and debate whether or not Warren Beatty should have cast someone else in the lead role.

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