Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Charlie's Angels

March 04, 2016

One of the most surprising things about McG's big screen reboot of Charlie's Angels is that it took as long as it did to materialize. The trend of reheating old TV shows by giving them a glossy new paintjob was already starting to feel a little played out when this was released in the fall of 2000, but excitement for the film was bolstered by the star power of its eclectic cast and a wildly successful tie-in soundtrack. Not even a year later, the world would change in an unbelievably profound way and it turns out there's a lot about the movie you sort of have to view through that prism. It wants to be a rallying cry for a new generation of girls who are just discovering "girl power" and feminism while simultaneously appealing to the juvenile sensibilities of 15-year-old boys. It's a tight rope that the film only occassionally manages to walk, but overall it still feels like its heart was in the right place. Topics include: why this was exactly what Donna needed when it was first released, the premise of the opening sequence and how it acts as a microcosm of everything that's wrong with this plot, Chris' issue with the angels feeling too indistinguishable from one another, what exactly was going on with Bill Murray at this point in time, the overuse of wire-fu and bullet time in the wake of The Matrix, an aspect of the fight choreography that actually works really well, the inspired casting of Crispen Glover and how much he brought to his role, the fun structure of the script that makes it feel like several mini-episodes of the show, and much much more!