Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Galaxy Quest

February 19, 2016

This week Chris, Donna, and Carlos bid a fond farewell to Alan Rickman. They each recall how they first became aware of him as an actor, discuss some of their favorite movies that he appeared in, and then do a deep dive on the oft-requested 1999 comedy Galaxy Quest. One of the most impressive things about the film is that whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool Star Trek fan or you've never seen a single episode, it works just as well. A large part of that is due to the incredible cast that was assembled and how much they elevated an already hilarious and clever script. It may not be Rickman's most renowned work, but it does showcase a different side of the iconic actor and in the wake of such sad news, we couldn't think of a better tribute than a movie that made so many of us so deliriously happy. Topics include: the famous filmmaker who almost directed this and why he left the project, alternate casting choices for some of the main roles, how various members of Star Trek's cast & crew responded to the good-natured ribbing, the part Kevin Spacey and Steven Spielberg played in shaping the final product, the pitch-perfect blend of parody and homage, certain details only hardcore Trek fans might notice, and much much more!