Her Story Radio

Her Story Radio

Episode 80: Alysha Bentley – What does success mean to you?

May 18, 2018

“When we understand our values and what makes us happy or upset we then have insight into why we might respond in a particular way and that’s when we have the power to change the outcome.”
What do I want to do in my life? That’s the question that led Alysha Bentley to discover that how she was ‘doing work and life’ wasn’t fulfilling, in fact, it was having a significant impact on her health and ultimately her life.
She felt she had lost herself that she wasn’t acting in alignment with her values. In a job that left her feeling drained rather than energised, frustrated and losing perspective on what was really important.
She wanted to define what success meant to her on her terms.
So she left her job and started a business where she could help women who struggle to define what success’ means to them.
She said she was so scared to leave the security of a job and start a business when she didn’t know how, but it felt so good she says she’s never felt more purposeful or more successful in her life.
Alysha says success is such an ever-evolving concept.
It’s time and space specific, a state of being and living in alignment with your values and priorities
But one thing she is very clear about is that you get to set the standards for success and no one else has a right to do it for you.
I love these wise words Alysha shared…
You deserve to be heard
You deserve to be respected
You deserve to be supported
You are enough
Find out more about Alysha https://flippingthenarrative.wordpress.com/ and follow her on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/alyshabentleymindsetcoach
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