Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Latest Episodes

Here's How 93 – Bike Heads
October 11, 2019

Paul Cullen is the Health Editor of the Irish Times. His article headlined Almost 70% of cyclists without helmet at time of head trauma, appeared on the front page of IT last month. The article was sharply criticised in online discussion,

Showcase: the Social Fabric podcast
October 09, 2019

The Social Fabric podcast is created by Andrea Splendori, and I'm sharing it in the Here's How feed to give you a chance to hear a sample episode. If you like it, you can subscribe on his website here.

Here's How 92 – the DEASP and the PSC
September 25, 2019

Dr Katherine O'Keefe is an author, and the director of training and a management consultant with Castlebridge, a data privacy and information governance consultancy. Our discussion referred to a twitter thread by Katherine and another by solicitor Simo...

Here's How 91 – Defending Europe
September 17, 2019

Brigid Laffan is currently Director and Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Director of the Global Governance Programme and of the European Governance and Politics Programme at the European University Institute (EUI),

Here's How 90 – Brexit Implications
September 03, 2019

Harry Todd is senior research executive at Get Britain Out, previously worked as campaign manager for Conservative Party. He was also the national ground campaign manager for Leave means Leave. I fact-checked some of the things that Harry said in the i...

Here's How 89 – the Census
August 06, 2019

I talked to Cormac Halpin, chief statistician with the CSO about the upcoming census. ***** Let’s do a bit of science. Maybe, like me, you have had various social media invaded by people making all sorts of complaints about something called 5G.

Here's How 88 – Nuclear Ireland
July 12, 2019

Denis Duff, author of the website Better Environment with Nuclear Energy. He's also a mechanical engineer with 30 years experience in ESB power generation, and is now an independent engineering consultant in Ireland and abroad.

Here's How 87 – the National Broadband Plan
July 02, 2019

Fergal Mulligan is the Programme Director at National Broadband Plan at the Department of Communications. ***** That’s audio from an Egyptian news channel called Extra news, it’s in Arabic of course. That clip is 17 seconds long,

Here's How 86 – Broadcasting in Ireland
June 11, 2019

Declan McLoughlin is a senior manager and the head of communications at the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. The Times - but not RTÉ - reported on the disgraced cardinal, Seán Brady, who covered up the crimes of the rapist priest Brendan Smith,

Here's How 85 – Data Protection
June 04, 2019