Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 126 – Educational Values

October 14, 2021

Dr Geraldine Simmie Mooney is a senior lecturer in education at the University of Limerick and director of EPI STEM, the National Centre for STEM Education.


One thing that, I thought, the Green Party had that left wing parties didn’t, was an understanding of how taxes could be used to modify behaviour. The Greens are often lambasted from both left and right for this, people saying that they want to tax everything, but that’s unfair.

They had recognised, I thought, that taxation is often a better way to modify behaviour than banning or regulating things. A good example was the plastic bag tax. This started out at 15c per bag, Its purpose wasn’t to raise money, it was to change behaviour.

And it worked. Use of plastic bags collapsed by more than 93 per cent when it was introduced. That tiny amount of money was enough to change mindsets and encourage people not to be wasteful.

I got in a brief Twitter spat with some people including the former Green Party TD and Senator Dan Boyle, about what was announced in the budget as a measure to ease the housing crisis, a three per cent tax on zoned land. This idea has been kicking around for years, not least from the Green Party, because they had recognised the bottleneck in the supply of housing.

Everything that you need to build a house can be put on the back of a truck, or the back of a Ryanair flight from the continent, so there is no real reason why prices here should be so much higher. Everything, that is, except the land.

If you have followed the Derelict Ireland campaign, or even if you haven't, you should know that there is a huge amount of vacant and crumbling housing in Ireland, and vastly more space still that is zoned for housing but has been sitting vacant for decades. This is not an accident. The vacant land is owned by a tiny number of fantastically wealthy speculators.

Your initial thought might be “why don’t they sell up and make a fortune?” The problem is what would they do with the fortune? Put it in the bank? The property price inflation is vastly more than any bank interest rate that they could hope to earn. As they see it, it is money in the bank.

Then why not build on it themselves and make a fortune selling the houses?