Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 119 – Concrete Gold

May 01, 2021

Nicolas Šustr is the city development and transport editor for the German newspaper formerly known as Neues Deutschland now known as ND.


We’re going to have a new leader of the DUP. Leaders of the DUP are generally not anyone’s favourite person, unless that anyone happens to be a DUP supporter. As an aside I have to say that much of the criticism of Arlene Foster on social media that I see has more than a tinge of sexism, but that’s a story for a different day. And, if you are looking for things to criticise Arlene Foster over, there is surely enough to say without having to scrape that barrel.

Anyway, the next leader is likely to be Edwin Poots, he’s the north’s Minister of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs and he’s the MLA for Lagan Valley. And he’s a member of the Free Presbyterian Church.

The Free Presbyterian Church is a tiny organisation, the membership in Northern Ireland is about 10,000, about half of one per cent of the population; it’s the church founded by the late Ian Paisley senior, also the founder of the DUP, and this church dominates the DUP, despite the fact that it doesn’t represent the overwhelming number of its voters. Arlene Foster is a member of the much larger, and much more mainstream Church of Ireland; that was perhaps one factor that isolated her in her party.

Edwin Poots, and the rest of the Free Presbyterians believe in what is called young earth creationism, which means that they believe that the bibcal story of genesis, with Adam and Eve and the talking snake is literally true in every aspect and happened six thousand years ago. They have objected to, among many other things, geological information about the Giants’ Causeway posted in the visitor centre there, because that it says that the rock formations were formed by natural processes hundreds of thousands of years ago rather than by God and the flood of Noah.

Needless to say, they don’t hold very liberal views on … oh, I'm not going to list them here, they don’t hold very liberal views on anything. They believe that the Pope is literally the antichrist mentioned in the bible.

Now, when British journalists try to make insightful comments about Irish politics, north or south, it’s not generally a pretty sight. I'm reminded of David Davis accusing Leo Varadkar of being anti-British in 2018 because he wanted to win votes from Sinn Féin in his bid for re-election as president in that year...