Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 105 – Polemic and the Left

June 09, 2020

Kerry-Anne Mendoza editor-at-large of the Canary and the author of Austerity: Demolition of the Welfare state and the rise of the zombie economy, published in 2015.

We discussed this Twitter thread of hers:

THREAD: How we actually beat CummingsStop fact-checking with the belief that establishing holes in his Swiss cheese story is a gotcha. He doesn’t care. It keeps us occupied while he gets as much nefarious shit done as possible, then laughs at us and tosses us another lie— Kerry-Anne Mendoza (@TheMendozaWoman) May 26, 2020


And it really is good to get feedback from listeners, and to know that there is a growing number of listeners out there, I always appreciate that. And it doesn’t matter to me whether the listeners are ordinary people interested in the world around them, ordinary working stiffs, or whether they are celebrity fans, I’m just happy to know that there is anyone out there at all. I know that some people might be wowed by the rich and the famous, but I try to keep a little more grounded than that… but I have to admit that I had a little frisson of excitement to find out that I have one very well-known fan.

That’s right folks, you’re listening in the august company of none other than the billionaire financier Dreomt Dseomnd. How do I know that? Because he sent me a fan email. Well, of course he didn’t sent it to me himself, it was sent by Suzanne Mc Nulty, his … legal counsel. And looking over it again it doesn’t come across so much as a fan letter as…

Well you see in podcast episode 101 we were talking about housing with Labour Party councillor Alison Gilliland, and in the show notes I referred to what I thought was a pretty good article written by my new best friend Dessie, that’s what I call him, and Dessie listed some excellent suggestions for fixing the housing crisis, and I couldn’t really mention that and just ignore the fact that he was very close to the architect of many of the problems that we have in Ireland to this day, Charlie Haughey.