Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 95 – Conservative Comment

October 30, 2019

John McGuirk is the founder and editor of Gript. John referred to the cost of building passive homeshere. In our discussion I mentioned an article falsely claiming that hacked emails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia showed scientists 'plotting to manipulate data, ... suppress evidence ... and boycott ... divergent researchers".

I also mentioned an adulatory article celebrating the election win of the homophobic, anti-semitic Polish PiS party, and an article on Gript falsely claiming that a video error by ABC News was a 'hoax', and another falsely claiming that British Extinction Rebellion protestors were being paid, and suggesting without evidence that Irish Extinction Rebellion were also being paid.


There was one thing that we discussed that I have to comment
on. On the Gript website there is a video interview under the headline “Pay more
taxes to change the weather” – the world’s most expensive religion”
with a man called Christopher Monckton, Gript presents him as an expert in
climate change and he makes various claims about himself.

His first claim is that he is a member of the House of Lords. This is a straightforward lie, and he’s been telling it for years. He even wrote to US senators making the claim and got himself invited to a talk to a congressional committee in the US with him saying that he was bringing fraternal greetings from the mother of parliaments, although he got short shrift when he appeared before the committee.


Monckton is not and never was a member of the House of
Lords, or any other parliament. The closest he came was when he ran in 2011 for
the Scottish Parliament as a UKIP candidate. He got one per cent of the vote.

His false claims to be a member of the House of Lords