Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 93 – Bike Heads

October 11, 2019

Paul Cullen is the Health Editor of the Irish Times. His article headlined Almost 70% of cyclists without helmet at time of head trauma, appeared on the front page of IT last month.

The article was sharply criticised in online discussion, including in this article by Cian Ginty.

In our discussion, I mentioned a number of articles and scientific studies, including this analysis of the reporting of deaths of vulnerable road users by Joe Lindsey, and this study by Kelcie Ralph et al. I also mentioned that international and Irish studies indicate - contrary to popular imagination - motorists break traffic laws more frequently than cyclists.

A study by Dr Alexa Delbosc from of the Monash Institute of Transport Studies, Department of Civil Engineering concluded that "Around half of non-cyclists view cyclists as ‘less than fully human’", and that this "Dehumanization measures were significantly correlated with aggression toward cyclists."


Rawls is in an American prison. And that’s where he’s staying. He lost his
case at the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. So what has he
been convicted of? Nothing.

Rawls, a former
Philadelphia police officer has been in jail 17 months because he invoked the
Fifth Amendment, he said he wouldn’t give self-incriminating information to
police investigating him. But the Fifth