Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 92 – the DEASP and the PSC

September 25, 2019

Dr Katherine O'Keefe is an author, and the director of training and a management consultant with Castlebridge, a data privacy and information governance consultancy. Our discussion referred to a twitter thread by Katherine and another by solicitor Simon McGarr.


It’s probably just
dumb luck, but I made two pretty accurate predictions about the byzantine
machinations over the Brexit deal – or non-deal – in British politics. Firstly back on 9 May, before the first of
the three House of Commons votes on Theresa May’s failed deal to leave the EU,
I pointed out that that single vote meant that she was finished. The defeat was – as turned out to be the case
– too big for her to overturn, and no prime minister could long outlive such a
defeat, and that this outcome led inextricably to a takeover by a hardline
Brexiteer, David Davis, Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, or most likely Boris Johnson,
and thereby a very hard Brexit.

Then on 21 May, as the polls were showing
that the Brexit party would perform strongly in the European elections, at the
expense of the Conservatives, I predicted that would influence the election of
the new Conservative leader, and make it certain that whoever took the hardest Brexiteer line would

Two weeks later, May
announced her only slightly voluntary intention to resign, and six weeks after
that Johnson was elected, on a platform of saying that he would prefer to be
dead in a ditch rather than delay Brexit past Halloween; and his half-hearted
efforts to play the role of someone involved in serious negotiations haven't
fooled anyone.

Now we have the UK
Supreme Court ruling that his effort to close down parliament, and prevent
those pesky MPs from interfering with his cunning plans are illegal. So what’s
going to happen next Mystic Meg? Is there going to be a deal, a no-deal Brexit
or no Brexit at all.