Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 88 – Nuclear Ireland

July 12, 2019

Denis Duff, author of the website Better Environment with Nuclear Energy. He's also a mechanical engineer with 30 years experience in ESB power generation, and is now an independent engineering consultant in Ireland and abroad.

I mentioned projections of how long global uranium deposits - known and unknown - are likely to last, at the current rate of consumption, in which nuclear provides 4 per cent of global energy.

Death rates in energy production show that by that measure, nuclear energy produces by a huge margin the lowest number of deaths per unit of electricity produced, however as I pointed out, this does not include the deaths that may happen in the future that are attributable to nuclear power use now or in the past; Denis pointed out that the figures for fossil fuels don't include any deaths arising from climate change.


If, when I say TikTok, your mind goes to a
clock, then you are not in the demographic for TikTok, but if you’ve heard that
music in the background, screeching out of mobile phones in your house, then
somebody close to you probably is.

TikTok is a video-sharing app, with a very
young demographic. It’s got something approaching a billion users, and that’s
not counting the users of a parallel app in China called Douyin, which is
basically identical, except firewalled off, to comply with Chinese censorship

To put that in context, Facebook took
almost eight years to get to a billion users. TikTok won’t be three years old
until September.

The videos are limited to 15 seconds in
duration, and as you might expect they normally center on music and youth
culture. If you want to feel old, download it and swipe through a few videos.
Users who get more than 1,000 followers unlock a feature that allows you to do
live streams to all of those followers, and broadcast live video to them. So
far, so standard social media.

But the other aspect of TikTok is the
ability to send virtual gifts.
Basically users can send digital gifts to each other.