Her Confident Life

Her Confident Life

Latest Episodes

#6 #Over55AndFabulous
May 02, 2019

I preach it all the time.  It’s part of my WHY. It was something - throughout my whole life I never actually did and I fought like hell to finally get to the place in my life that I COULD.  So why is there a part of me that’s sort of...

#5 The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly... But not Necessarily in that Order
March 13, 2019

This was a tough one!  Have you ever had a single thought totally take on a life of its own and get all kinds of outta control?  Maybe it begins with a thought...or maybe it begins with a feeling that becomes a thought and slowly (or even...

#4 You've Heard it Before...
February 27, 2019

You’ve heard it before…” change your thoughts - change your life”.   I’ve lived my life - believe it or not - as a huge pessimist. In all things. I think it came from a combination of my early life experiences and what I learned to...

#3 Ain’t Nobody Like You, Girl
February 09, 2019

We all do it. I’m talking about the Comparison Game. Why is it so easy for us to tend to focus on what we perceive to be all the negatives about ourselves while focusing on all the positives we see in everyone around us? SEE FULL SHOW NOTES HERE...

#2 You’re Braver Than You Think You Are
February 05, 2019

I’m gonna take you back to THAT day and show you that even when you don’t think God is paying attention - that He isn’t seeing your struggles and feeling your lost hope - He is.  And how that day I found what would become my mantra forever...

#1 My Journey to a Confident Life
January 28, 2019

In this introduction episode, I’m going to share some of my story with you.  It’s personal and raw, but I’m hoping it’s relatable to some of you who might also be struggling. I talk about the root of my anxiety, my lowest low, and how I...