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Did Joseph Smith Teach Polygamy? Live Debate #2

August 22, 2022

Despite the plethora of public condemnations of polygamy during his lifetime, some believe that Joseph Smith was still teaching in private that polygamy was a commandment from God. Did he ever teach it? Did he ever write about it? Did he ever receive a revelation about it? Since there’s no first-hand material from Joseph Smith in favor of polygamy, we must closely examine the accounts and records of both those who said he did, and those that insisted that he didn’t. This debate seeks to shed light on this important question, covering the key arguments in this age-old debate: Did Joseph Smith teach polygamy?

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Did Joseph Smith Teach Polygamy? Live Debate + Q&A

Did Joseph Smith Ever Teach That Polygamy Was From God?

This is part 2 of the polygamy debate series. For part 1, where we debate whether or not Joseph Smith practiced polygamy, See “Was Joseph Smith Really a Polygamist? Live Debate #1“.

What do you think? Was polygamy taught by Joseph Smith? Vote here or let us know in the comments.

Did Joseph Smith Ever Teach Polygamy?Poll results – Did Joseph Smith Ever Teach Polygamy?

Live stream debate includes 2 teams:

  1. Affirmative = Mark Tensmeyer & Jacob Vidrine

  2. Negative = Jeremy Hoop & Leo Ebbert

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