Hello PhD

Hello PhD

Latest Episodes

164. The Essential Guide to Grad School Applications
October 16, 2021

Do you hear it? Its the sound of hopeful scientists frantically typing out their grad school applications! Theyre pondering the best format for a CV, scouring University websites to learn more about

163. The 3 T’s of Successful Field Research
September 30, 2021

The only thing harder than hiking for three hours into a remote boreal forest is realizing you forgot your sample kit back in the lab. For many researchers, running out of a reagent means walking down

056. Team Up for Speedier Science (R)
September 16, 2021

When we think of scientists, we often think of the lone researcher plodding away at the bench late intothe night. We imagine Alexander Fleming scrutinizing his penicillium molds or Einstein ponderin

162. Get More Done with LabScrum w/ Dr. Lisa May
August 31, 2021

Its 8PM on a Wednesday night, and youre sitting in a quiet lab all alone. Its your turn to present during lab meeting on Friday, and that familiar sense of panic starts to set in. What HAVE you bee

161. Career Development is NOT a Waste of Time. We Have Proof.
August 16, 2021

All those feelings of excitement and possibility screech to a halt when you walk back into the lab to see your PI glaring over her reading glasses. She looks at her watch. Hey, good to see you. So gl

160. Mailbag – Finding A Postdoc Overseas, Lab Equipment at Home, et al!
July 31, 2021

You know it. You love it. Its mailbag time! We answer real listener questions, plus a few questions no one is asking! Make it Meaningful The first question comes from Lexi, who is trying to choose be

159. Cultivating Resilience w/ Adina Glickman
July 15, 2021

Imagine a tennis ball dropped on cement it immediately bounces back to your hand. Now imagine dropping that same ball on a sandy beach. The bounce of a tennis ball on pavement is a form of resilienc

027. The Road More Traveled: Stepping Off of the Tenure Track (R)
June 30, 2021

In 2011, a whopping 36,000 science and technology grad students earned their PhDs. That same year, about 3,000 faculty positions were created. So why did you feel like a failure when you decided to

158. Five Strategies for Defeating Distractions
June 15, 2021

Its Friday morning, and you promised your PI a draft of your paper before the weekend. The trouble is, you lost a lot of time this week to distractions. Monday you had lab meeting and a few other pla

157. The Three Mentors You Need
May 30, 2021

Most graduate students look on their research advisors as a mentor hoping for guidance on science, career, and life in general. But even a superstar PI cant provide that kind of comprehensive mento
