Hello PhD
Latest Episodes
048: Where the (Wild) Postdocs Are - Hello PhD
Shhhh! There he is. Behind that rack of Eppendorf tubes…. The elusive ‘Postdoctoral Fellow’ in his native habitat! If we’re quiet, we may be able to observe him as he completes an experiment, writes a few paragraphs in a grant proposal,
047: How many postdocs are there? The answer may surprise you! - Hello PhD
It sounds like a simple question: how many postdocs are there in the United States? Maybe you want to know because you ARE a postdoc and you’re thinking about what kind of competition you’ll face for a faculty position.
046: Do I need a PhD to advance in my industry job? - Hello PhD
You’ve worked hard in your biopharma job, and you really love the position. The team is passionate and dynamic, the product is starting to make an impact in the market, and you begin to imagine your long-term relationship with the company.
045: Finally, some good news for postdoc salary! - Hello PhD
Postdocs are some of the most productive scientists on the planet, but you wouldn’t know it if you looked at a pay stub. For years now, postdoc salaries have remained stagnant in the low $40,000s, causing many young scientists to find other careers in...
044: 5 Myths About University Teaching Jobs That YOU Probably Believe - Hello PhD
We know that stepping from academia to industry is met with scorn for the person ‘selling out’ and leaving the university, but there’s a subtler form of bias against those scientists who actually like to teach.
043: A Scientific Approach to Teaching Science - Hello PhD
Every day in a research lab is spent forming hypotheses, designing experiments, and examining data. So it might surprise you to know that the scientific method is only rarely applied in the classroom. Wouldn’t it be transformative if the methods that ...
042: I’m a Fifth Year, and I’m Stuck in a Rut - Hello PhD
The good news is that your research project has gone well over the last few years, and you got your paper published. The bad news is that you published everything in that one paper, and you’re out of ideas. And you’re five years into the program.
004: Why we podcast (R) - Hello PhD
What makes two PhDs who escaped from grad school years ago want to revisit all the highs and lows of their training? Short answer: Beer! But the long answer: Grad school is no cakewalk – classes are challenging, experiments fail, and sometimes,
041: Make a Difference in Your Lab with Peer Support - Hello PhD
Spoiler Alert: Working in a lab is tough. Yes, there’s the academic challenge, but it can also be an emotional roller-coaster when experiments fail, colleagues conflict, and you push yourself past the normal limits.
040: Three Keys to Success in Grad School - Hello PhD
Kenny Gibbs is a scientist who studies other scientists. After earning his PhD in Immunology from Stanford, he turned his attention to the broader topic of scientific careers and how PhDs choose and evolve in their work.