Hello PhD

Hello PhD

Latest Episodes

078: Knowing When to Leave Academia – Feat. The Recovering Academic Podcast - Hello PhD
August 23, 2017

Maybe you’re in love with science, but you just can’t imagine your life as a PI.  And maybe you’ve had a string of experiments fail and you’re just ready to put the entire ‘lab thing’ behind you. You have a choice – you could leave academia and try to ...

077: Google Discovers Five Keys to a Productive Lab - Hello PhD
August 10, 2017

Google is data-obsessed, so it should come as no surprise that the company sought to apply its analytical expertise inside the organization. In an endeavor dubbed “Project Aristotle,” Google sought to answer a vexing question: What factors are importan...

076: Should I choose a research focus BEFORE I apply? - Hello PhD
July 23, 2017

Applying to grad school means making a series of difficult decisions: university location, reputation, lifestyle, and program. But do you need to pick out a specific research topic before filing an application?

075: When Research Sucks - Hello PhD
June 29, 2017

It’s inevitable.  At some point in your research career, you’re going to get that sinking feeling. Your experiments will all fail, your PI will get on your case about finishing that paper, and your graduation date will drift maddeningly out of reach.

074: Does Science Have an Income Inequality Problem? - Hello PhD
June 13, 2017

On May 2nd, NIH Director Francis Collins announced a plan to limit the total amount of grant funding awarded to an individual investigator or lab. According to Collins, “the distribution of NIH grant funding is highly skewed,

073: Stop Telling Me My Project is Going to Fail! - Hello PhD
May 25, 2017

Is your lab is filled with compassionate, positive individuals who offer nurturing support and gentle guidance to help you achieve your full potential as a scientist? We didn’t think so. While you may encounter a handful of Positive Pollyannas througho...

072: Voices from the Front Line of the Science March - Hello PhD
May 09, 2017

We weren’t sure what to expect when scientists planned a protest march on Washington, D.C. and other world capitals. Would this politicize the scientific process? Would enough scientists show up to make an impact?

071: Practical Advice for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Maureen Gannon - Hello PhD
April 20, 2017

Imposter syndrome might make you feel all alone in the world, but ironically, many graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members experience the same feelings of inadequacy. This week on the show, we interview Dr. Maureen Gannon, PhD,

070: Imposter Syndrome - Hello PhD
April 06, 2017

Meeting a new cohort of graduate students on your first day of class can be intimidating.  These are the brightest students from their undergraduate programs. Some of them have years of research experience, first-author publications,

069: Five Ways Scientists SHOULD Be Using Twitter - Hello PhD
March 23, 2017

Traditionally, spending time on social media was a great way to make your PI angry. Your job is to finish experiments, read papers, and present your work at conferences, not to upvote and share the latest blue-dress illusion.