Hello PhD

Hello PhD

Latest Episodes

097: Conference Like the Pros – How to Plan, Network, and Win
July 25, 2018

Sure, scientific conferences are not a competitive sport, but the sheer volume of information, introductions, and events can leave you feeling like you just lost a round of rugby. This week, we share some sage advice for making your next conference the...

096: Listener Mailbag – Program Prestige, Changing Careers, and More!
July 10, 2018

The best thing about the Hello PhD podcast is our amazing audience of grad students, postdocs, and career scientists. We get emails, tweets, and website comments full of thoughtful questions and insightful observations.

095: Should I Finish My PhD Remotely?
June 26, 2018

A PhD takes years to complete, so it’s no surprise that your situation may change during that time.  Your PI may move to a different University, your spouse may take a job in another town, or you may need to move back home to care for ailing parents.

094: Do Grades Matter in Grad School?
June 11, 2018

We got an email from a first-year student who seems to love everything about grad school… except the tests.  He’s wondering: Do grades matter? Dear Josh and Daniel, I am a first year chemical engineering PhD student and am currently working through a c...

093: The Grad School Mental Health Crisis, and What You Can Do About It
May 22, 2018

Susanna was experiencing insomnia that began to interfere with her work and life.  She visited the campus health clinic, and they referred her to mental health resources on campus. There, the doctor recommended medication for depression and anxiety,

092: Making Time for Science Communication with Mónica Feliú-Mójer - Hello PhD
May 08, 2018

“Things are not progressing as they should. You’re having a hard time focusing on the research, and we know that you don’t want to be in academia anyway.  Do you want to quit?” The question landed like a punch,

091: Cross-Train for the Faculty Track with the Academic Pathways Postdoctoral Fellowship - Hello PhD
April 17, 2018

Think about your training as a grad student and postdoc – you spend countless hours at the bench, running experiments and reading papers to finish your personal research project. Now think about your PI or faculty advisor.

011: The 8.5 Fixes That Will Save Biomedical Science (R) - Hello PhD
April 02, 2018

Josh and Daniel are on the road this week, so we decided to bring you some goodies from the archive.  An 8-ish step plan to save science!   Biomedical science is broken.  Funding is unpredictable, training programs drag on indefinitely,

090: Maybe Grant Funding Feels Random and Subjective Because It Is - Hello PhD
March 18, 2018

Have you ever submitted a grant, only to have it rejected?  You respond to the reviewers’ comments, addressing weaknesses and tweaking the protocol to honor their suggestions. Then, when you resubmit, the proposal is rejected again.

089: The Grad Student’s Guide to Investing for Retirement - Hello PhD
February 27, 2018

On a graduate student’s stipend, it’s hard to imagine having enough money left over to afford a dinner out, let alone enough to invest for retirement. But if you can scrape together a few dollars each month,