Hello PhD

Hello PhD

097: Conference Like the Pros – How to Plan, Network, and Win

July 25, 2018

Sure, scientific conferences are not a competitive sport, but the sheer volume of information, introductions, and events can leave you feeling like you just lost a round of rugby.
This week, we share some sage advice for making your next conference the best one yet.

Listener Matthew writes:
I have a topic that I think would be interesting for graduate students of all years to hear more about: how to be effective at conferences. I usually make it to one or two conferences a year, and the first time I went I had no idea what to do, where to go, how to plan to see what I should be seeing let alone finding time to properly network. For students who have an absent PI this can be daunting particularly if you are presenting papers and posters as well.
Matthew is exactly right – a scientific conference is often an overwhelming place.  There are myriad talks, hundreds of posters, and vendors packed wall to wall in a room the size of an airplane hanger.
We took to Twitter to ask other scientists how they approach the opportunities and obstacles of a scientific conference.

Hey #sciencetwitter – what tips do you have for making the most of a scientific conference? (Specifically, advice for students.) #PhDchat
— Joshua Hall (@jdhallphd) July 21, 2018

Here’s what they said…
Before You Go
Set Some Goals
Step one is to think about why you want to attend this conference, and that may change with your career stage and current projects.
Some attendees will be looking to begin a collaboration.  Some will hope to find a postdoc position. And some may just want to learn more about the latest technologies in the vendor showroom.  Whatever your reason, jot down a few ideas about what you’d like to achieve.

Set a conference goal! When I go in with a defined goal (i.e. Ask a question in a session, Give a good talk, Hand out 5 business cards, Meet with collaborator) I find that I feel more accomplished and do more work than if I have a vague idea like “Network.”
— Alex Dainis (@AlexDainis) July 21, 2018

Make a Plan
Since it’s literally impossible to see everything, your first order of business should be to make a plan.
Take a few minutes to reach out to colleagues you’d like to meet while attending the conference.  Set up a time and place to meet for coffee or lunch before you arrive so you’re guaranteed to make the connection. At a large conference, you can’t expect to ‘run into’ your collaborators by accident.

If you’re applying for grad school and are interested in a PI, see if they’ll be there to chat. Making those connections is key and they’re usually very enthusiastic!
— Griffin (@octopaqueen) July 21, 2018

Ultimately, conference organizers will release a schedule with poster and presentation titles.  Fire up your trusty highlighter and mark the must-see events.  Prioritizing these events will help you ensure you get the most important content.  You can fill in the remaining time with meetings, posters, or quiet reflection.
Many Twitter responses encouraged attendees to step outside of their comfort zones when choosing talks and posters.

Do at least one session in a topic that you find sort of interesting but isn’t your current specialty. Fields evolve so fast today that if you stay in the game you will eventually need to change topic....