hello X

What's eating You? p.1
What do arctic farmers dream about? What’s in a blood sausage (besides blood)? And how can the moon help you make sauerkraut? (*bonus norsk språk versjon tilgjengelig)
In ep1, we asked how our behavior today might affect the food eaten by X, a young woman living in the Arctic in 2068. In ep2 we begin our journey to the future by meeting Jenny and Helga Nordgård, two generations of women who have been producing food on their family farm in Northern Norway since they were children. Jenny and Helga talk about how farmers enjoy a ‘different kind of wealth’ and how women like Helga were once legally restricted from inheriting farms. They also express concern about the stability of the global food system in relation to climate change and how a growing demand for vacation homes is pricing out would-be farmers.
Anneli, Christine, Valentin and Marina of Ice-9 also reflect on their own connection to food production, from their grandparents’ gardens in New Jersey, USA to Voronezh, Russia, where Marina’s grandfather Nikolai reveals his experiments with making sauerkraut by the lunar calendar.
Join the hello X Culinary Club! By adding your recipes, hungers, and half-digested rumors on https://forum.hellox.me/c/make-food
On LUNAR SAUERKRAUT from forum.helloX.me
Well, I checked with a scientist friend (biologist and bioinformatics researcher Michael Thorne from the British Antarctic Scientific Study) and he checked the Scopus database and can’t find anything under ‘yeast and lunar cycles’ or permuations of those terms. Does this mean that there has never been any published research on the effect of the moon on yeast or other microorganisms?
There is a ton of anecdotal information about fermentation and the moon. https://adventuresinlocalfood.com/2010/10/07/sauerkraut-rising-tides-and-where-it-all-began/ and Nikolai, @serval 's grandfather in Russia, says his sauerkraut is definitely crunchier when made on or just before the full moon.
Here’s a Belgian brewer who’s selling Paix-Dieu beer on the strength of moonpower.
Here’s a (sceptical) article on how some people arrange wine tastings according to the lunar calendar. https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/moon-science-biodynamics-in-the-vineyard-and-in-your-glass/
Do you have any experience with fermenting by the moon? Shall we run some bread/beer/sauerkraut experiments?
respond on the forum! https://forum.hellox.me/t/sauerkraut-by-the-moon-lunar-phases-and-yeast/109?u=copopod
This story was produced by Anneli Stiberg and Christine Cynn with support from Valentin Manz and Marina Borovaya. Language support by Martha Otte.
Special thanks to Jenny Nordgård and Helga Nordgård and the whole Nordgård family.
Thanks to Marina Borovaya and her grandfather Nikolai.
Sound recording/mix by Nathanael Gustin.
hello X theme music by
Metatag on Hel Audio
Episode music by
Arthurs. Høiby. Ritchie on Not Applicable
Tom Arthurs – trumpet, flugelhorn
Jasper Høiby – double bass
Stuart Ritchie – drums