Hello, Lovely
The Relationship with Yourself
Ep. #6 – The Relationship with Yourself We want to feel better about ourselves but don’t know how to do that. We go on trips, change jobs, workout, eat healthier, or go on an Amazon shopping spree, but the enjoyment is temporary. Those things never improve how we feel about ourselves. There is a filter to how we view everything we do. We’ll talk about how your relationship with yourself is a filter for all other relationships. When you focus some attention there, everything else improves. What You’ll Learn on this Episode: Why the relationship with yourself is so valuable. How you can treat the root cause of feeling stuck. How to create the best relationship with yourself. Featured on the Show: Interview with Yourself Worksheet If you are ready to take this work deeper and work with me one-on-one, click here to schedule a free call with me. Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your ‘I love it’ Hello, Lovely moments!