The Terri Cole Show

The Terri Cole Show

Latest Episodes

220 Ten Steps to Mend a Broken Heart
November 19, 2019

I know that breakups and broken hearts can hurt. I think this episode will be helpful to heal, process your emotions, and move forward. "Get really clear on how it actually was - not your fantasy of it." - Terri Cole. Learn more about this episode at...

219 Holiday Guide: Stop Auto-Accommodating + Enjoy!
November 12, 2019

The holidays are just around the corner. Today we are going to talk about how to stop auto-accommodating and start enjoying this season. “Give yourself permission to not do something that you'd done in the past.” - Terri Cole. Learn more about...

218 Three Steps to Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way
November 05, 2019

I talk about how to get out of your own way, why we resist change, what you are gaining out of staying stuck, and much more. “We can go kicking and screaming, or we can accept that change is apart of life.” - Terri Cole Learn more at

217 Change Your Lens + Change Your Life
October 29, 2019

I talk about how to take a perspective inventory (why we take on a perspective to protect ourselves from pain), simple steps to changing your perspective, and much more. "I feel more empowered looking at a problem and seeing an opportunity." - Terri Cole.

216 Emotional Labor: STOP doing all the work!
October 21, 2019

I talk about what emotional labor is, how to find out if you're taking on too much emotional labor, and how to balance it out in relationships. "As women, there is a tendency for us to be like sponges to a degree." - Terri Cole. Learn more at...

215 Now is Not Then - Understanding Transference (Guide inside!)
October 14, 2019

Today's show is all about transference. It can hold you back if you're not careful. I talk about how to spot transference and what to do about it. Learn more episode at “There's a part of you inside - the child within - that's...

214 Do Not Confuse This with Vulnerability
October 07, 2019

There's been a ton of news about the importance of vulnerability, but it is REALLY important that we are CONSCIOUSLY being vulnerable. "We need to fully understand what healthy voluntary vulnerability is." - Terri Cole. Learn more at

213 Dr. Shefali - A Revolutionary Approach to Conscious Parenting
October 04, 2019

Dr. Shefali is a New York Times bestselling author of two groundbreaking books on parenting. Oprah has named her work as "revolutionary", and I do too! "Meditation is the pathway to self-regulation and self-care and manifestation." - Dr. Shefali....

212 Top 4 Hidden Boundary Killers Revealed
September 30, 2019

TODAY (Sept 30, 2019) is the LAST DAY to sign up for Boundary Bootcamp 2019! The doors are closing and it won't be available for another year! To prepare for Boundary Bootcamp, this episode is all about 4 hidden boundary killers that you probably...

211 Supermodels, Cancer + Me - How I Became a Boundary Boss (and how you can too!)
September 24, 2019

“I knew that I wanted to feel lit up, not trapped in these golden handcuffs of a life.” - Terri Cole. Learn more about this episode at
