Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann Podcast

The Heinemann Podcast: A Mindset for Learning

September 21, 2016

Authors Kristi Mraz and Christine Hertz want to change how we look at our classrooms. They say we need to think beyond the idea of "good in school" and ask; will our students be good in the world? Will these students have empathy, will they be resilient, can they face challenges with flexibility? These are just some of the traits Kristi and Christine explore in their book: A Mindset for Learning: Teaching the traits of Joyful, Independent Growth.

They say the ideas they’re presenting are tweaks not turns and the research is based on many authors, but most notably Carol Dweck who wrote Mindset. We started our conversation talking about those tweaks, in our thinking about the day, especially at the start of the school year. 

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