Heidi Harris Show

Heidi Harris Show

#357 Former Google exec calls metaverse a “giant false god”?

February 10, 2023

How could living in an AI world be dangerous? Let us count the ways. How is living in an artificial world harmful? How is it different than other ways people try to escape from the real world? Drinking, drugs, gambling, shopping….?

Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, has expressed his concerns. Interesting that he calls the metaverse a “false god”? The Bible talks a lot about those. Of course most of the Big Tech guys don’t care about the other ways their products hurt us.





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Books: Don’t Pat me on The Head! https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pat-Me-Head-Comebacks/dp/1984195263
Cocktail Waitress Wisdom https://www.amazon.com/Cocktail-Waitress-Wisdom-lessons-carrying/dp/0982983506

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