Heidi Harris Show

Heidi Harris Show

Latest Episodes

#383 “The Polling Professor” on THAT debate and what’s next for Dems
July 03, 2024

Zac Moyle, The Polling Professor, joined me to discuss the fallout from the disastrous debate between President Trump and President Biden last week. Where do the Dems go from here? Many seem to want

#382 Caitlin Clark is accused of being “silent” on others’ grievances
June 21, 2024

Caitlin Clark, the star rookie WNBA player, is being treated poorly by other players and even physically hurt by them because theyre jealous of her star power and endorsements. The WNBA is generally

#381 Are you in a cult? Netflix “7M” documentary raises questions
June 17, 2024

Therea new documentary on Netflix called Dancing for the Devil, 7M and the Tik Tok cult about a church/cult/talent management company, and the hold the pastor apparently has over its members lives

#380 Should Trump be featured on faith-based websites?
June 14, 2024

I saw a website today that was faith-based, and there was a banner featuring Lara Trump at the top. I dont dislike her, but this was supposed to be a faith site. Should Christians be worshiping the T

#378 Sports teams supporting “gay pride” are suffering backlash
June 03, 2024

When those of us who love sports tune in, we look to those moments as an escape from politics and agendas, but we are hit over the head with everyones grievances, time and again. Many people have giv

#377 Career/podcast update and comments on Trump trial
June 01, 2024

Just a few updates on my radio career, the refocus on my podcast, and some comments about the Trump trial. Let me know what you think!Heidi@HeidiHarris.com HeidiHarris.com HeidiHarrisShow.com Po

#379 Memorial Day – my interview with former POW’s
May 27, 2024

I had the privilege of interviewing two former POWs held during the Vietnam war, for 7 and 5 years respectively. Captain Ray Alcorn, USN, and Major Steven Long, USAF. We did this interview during the

#376 DOD and VA using YOUR tax dollars to create fatherless children!
March 19, 2024

Yep, the military is paying to create fatherless children for single people in the military. Dont spend money on ammunition or training. Nah. Story: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congr

#375 Conservatives should stick to REAL issues
March 13, 2024

A well-known conservative is now causing a stir by claiming that French President Emmanuel Macrons wife is biologically male. THIS is what were concerning ourselves with now? Geez, arent there bigg

#374 This mother says TEACHERS are responsible for her child’s behavior at school? Huh?
February 22, 2024

You read that right. In this Miss Manners column, a mother was upset that her friend told her on two separate occasions that her child was treating her daughter poorly at school. I was a bit taken a
