Hebrew Nation Online

Hebrew Nation Online

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Drive Time Friday
August 18, 2023

There were two primary sets of stories this week that pretty well laid-out the case for what is ahead for AmeriKa-with-a-K: - the "wildfire" that wasn't in Maui, but was certainly a major smokescree

Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Part 1
August 17, 2023

Is this Tradition Supported by Scripture? A look at the sixth biblical or Hebrew month in scripture. The sixth month is also known as the month of Elul. We are now entering this sixth month starting

“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
August 17, 2023

For those with 'eyes to see,' is now beyond dispute that there is a level of Evil in power that is literally antithetical not only to the Rule of Law, and the principles upon which a once-free Republi

Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
August 17, 2023

News and commentary for Thursday, 17 August, 2023.

Dena Smiley Speaks on Sex Trafficking
August 17, 2023

Hope for Sex Trafficked Women Join Laura Lee and her guest, Dena Smiley, as they discuss the topic of sex trafficking. - Blazing Hope is a six-bed free faith-based residential program for women who ha

Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday
August 17, 2023

News and commentary for Wednesday, 16 August, 2023.

August 15, 2023

Are there any developments in Israel that Netanyahu's coalition is backing away from judicial "reform" or are there subtle signs of a coming "theo"cracy? Was Lahaina a wildfire or energy weapon? Is

Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday
August 15, 2023

News and commentary for Tuesday, 15 August, 2023.

Dena Smiley Speaks out on Sex Trafficking!
August 15, 2023

Torah Therapist or Torah Terrorist? Sorry, I couldn't resist! Dena is a return guest, she is a therapist and has many years of training and much wisdom and skill to share with those who have suffered

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 7
August 14, 2023

What is discipleship about? What does it look like in your life? How does it relate to being in covenant? What are you willing or not willing to do as a disciple? - Continuing the topic of the Covena