Hebrew Nation Online

Hebrew Nation Online

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Mark Call – ‘Sukkot Finale – Last Great Day – teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
October 07, 2023

The conclusion of the Fall Feasts, and the week of Sukkot which ends with the "Last Great Day," is this weekend, by most calendar reckonings. - And certainly the largest attack on the modern nation o

Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Symphonia
October 07, 2023

This episode welcomes guest speaker Alexander Hislop, A Scottish Presbyterian Preacher and best selling author who introduces the show in Gaelic instead of Hebrew. Being from Scotland he knows someth

Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
October 06, 2023

News, commentary, and a summary of some of the most important and revealing, and finally this week, even truly surprising, events in the week ending Saturday, 7 October, 2023.

Drive Time Friday
October 06, 2023

For the first time in a long time, the Big Story this week was actually a bit of a genuine surprise: Some Congressional representatives actually demonstrated that they'd had enough, and voted to "vac

Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation Pt1
October 06, 2023

Look at all the Connections! Can we know what the Song of the Lamb is? Have the Jews been reading (i.e. singing) this song along with the Song of Moses for millennia without even recognizing Y'shua

“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
October 05, 2023

The final Fall Feast of Sukkot is a time associated with harvest, the Wedding Feast, and the Birth of the Real Messiah. It's also, according to Scripture, a time for remembrance of time past, in the

Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
October 05, 2023

News, commentary, and no shortage even of cynicism this time, for Thursday, 5 October, 2023. - Can Hell freeze over even as Man-Made Global Warming is still Top Propaganda?

Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday
October 04, 2023

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Wednesday, 4 October, 2023... FEMA day...and some arguably at least INTERESTING news from the Swamp. - This show was NOT played during the regular air tim

Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday
October 03, 2023

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Tuesday, 3 October, 2023... ...and some prep for 'emergency warnings,' too.

Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday
October 02, 2023

News and commentary for Monday, 2 October, 2023.