Hebrew Nation Online

Hebrew Nation Online

Latest Episodes

Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 88 (The Red One)
November 20, 2023

The Red One is a monster you already know about. In the Book of Revelation, the scarlet beast is a fearsome creature, hunting the children of Israel. It is a conglomerate beast of Babylon, Persia-Medi

Mark Call – Parsha “Toldot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
November 19, 2023

Parsha 'Toldot' (Genesis 25:19:1 through 29:9) details the life of the patriarch Yitzak (Isaac) after his marriage, the birth of their twins, and then perhaps one of the more "problematic" deceptions

Calming Harp Episode #147
November 18, 2023

Well, after a month abroad, we have finally returned home to the US. And yet, I wonder where "home" really is. There is a song that says, "I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger, traveling through this wo

Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Prayer and the impact of God
November 18, 2023

We begin Season three with a recap of this years events and the power of prayer and its challenges in the body of Christ. Followed by some testimony as to the power of Holy Worship on the radio on He

Analysis, History, and Teachings of the House of Tzadok Relating to Yeshua and the New Covenant
November 18, 2023

Today's episode continues our study of the well-known House of Tzadok (the "Zadokites") as it relates to the life of Yeshua, Hebrew Scripture, and the New Covenant. - Recall from Hebrew Scripture a he

Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 8 into 9
November 17, 2023

Mark Pitrone and Mark Call continue the study of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah through chapter 8 and into 9, and some of the most well-known, but perhaps therefore also 'twisted' in the Book. - There

Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
November 17, 2023

News, commentary, and a summary of at least some of the Just Plain Weird - or worse - events that marked the week ending Friday, 17 November, 2023.

Drive Time Friday
November 17, 2023

We seem to have reached the point where news isn't at all 'new,' and so much of what is going on in a 'world gone mad' has now stretched even the definition of insanity, that the review and discussion

“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
November 16, 2023

Sometimes we need to take a look beyond the obvious: They really DO want to kill you... ...and explore the real reasons why. Why helps us understand 'how' and even how they intend to do it. - We pro

Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
November 16, 2023

News and commentary for Thursday, 16 November, 2023.