Hebrew Nation Online

Hebrew Nation Online

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Calming Harp Episode #159
February 10, 2024

In Psalm 4, David is professing his perfect trust in the plans and purposes of God, no matter what the world is planning to do. Today, as we are inundated by troubling news around the world, we must r

Drive Time Friday
February 10, 2024

Is this the week that the once-free nation finally realizes the Emperor fuhrer has no clothes? And no brain? - David Justice and Mark Call discuss the revelations, and the remedy.

Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
February 09, 2024

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where, just maybe, a once-free nation can no longer deny that a senile puppet in adult pampers was never a real 'president' anyway, ending Satu

Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday
February 07, 2024

News and commentary for Wednesday, 7 February, 2024.

Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday
February 05, 2024

News and commentary for Monday, 5 February, 2024. - When 'they' think you can't fight back, they will RUB your FACE in it!

Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 97 (The Day of the LORD – Understanding the Chosen)
February 05, 2024

For believers in Yeshua who observe the Shabbat, we are reminded frequentlymake that every weekthat most of the world has not chosen to honor the Seventh Day as His chosen day. For many, theyve sim

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 31
February 05, 2024

What is significant about a teachers wisdom? (Proverbs 5:1) Who (or what) is this strange woman we find in Proverbs 5:3? - Yeshua talked about the leaven of the Pharaseeswhat was that? How man

Mark Call – Parsha “Yitro” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
February 03, 2024

This week's Torah parsha from the annual cycle is Yitro (Exodus 18:1 - 20:23) and begins with the name of Moses's father-in-law, but it ends with one of the most important 'recitations' in all of Scri

Calming Harp Episode #158
February 03, 2024

What is truth!? As we listen to the news and see what is going on around us, we are forced to seek a source of truth that we can depend on. Psalm 19 tells us that our Heavenly Father is the only relia

Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 22 into 23
February 02, 2024

The Torah teachers, Mark Pitrone, Ray Harrison, and Mark Call, continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah. This week from chapter 22 into chapter 23.