The Heath Mullikin Project
Latest Episodes
October 21, 2020-Not so fast on those new year’s resolutions
My reading in Atomic Habit prompted this thought. What good does making New Years resolutions do us if we don’t actually change as people?
October 20, 2020-Habits and Goals
How’s my morning routine going? What goals are you setting for 2021? What habits do you need to change/start to reach your goals? Don’t do it alone. There’s help waiting. All you need to do is ask.
October 12, 2020-WAKE and SLEEP routines update
Here's an update on my morning(Water, Affirmation, Knowledge, Exercise) and bedtime(Silence, Lights, Escape, Evaluate, Pray) routines. Here's a look to the book, Die Empty, that I am just about done with. Todd Henry jus
October 5, 2020-W.A.K.E. And silence
I am starting a new morning and evening routine and also feeling led to practice the discipline of silence more. Here's a look to the book, Die Empty, that I just started reading. I'm about to finish(for the 2nd or 3rd
September 30, 2020-There’s no debate! You need encouragement.
Last night and this morning I’ve been seeing the response on social media to last night’s presidential debate. This episode is designed to help you take heart!
August 21, 2020-thoughts on my 21st wedding anniversary
Here’s some life updates and thoughts on getting married 21 years ago today. Lots of great memories and I am grateful and hopeful.
June 22, 2020-how I am dealing with my anxiety
If we don’t deal with our stress and anxiety and the root causes then our diet and exercise goals will never be attained.
June 16, 2020-Intermittent Fasting and more
Join the new Facebook Group at to get tips and encouragement on your health journey. On this episode, Heath shares about his journey with intermittent fasting, how we need to view food, and getting your min
May 19, 2020-Life Updates
Many things have happened over the past 16 months. Here's where I get you caught up on where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. God has been good to our family and has opened up amazing doors. I also share my thoughts on st
May 8, 2020-SWU Graduation Speech
Here's my speech to the 2020 graduating class at Southern Wesleyan University. Graduation was held in a virtual ceremony that can be viewed at: To be honest, when my name was brought up in a meeting