The Heath Mullikin Project
Latest Episodes
December 1, 2020-whats your next right thing to do?
We need to understand that stressful and tragic situations are going to arise in our lives. We can prepare for these moments by thinking about what our next right thing would be and who that would involve. It’s time to beef up your Rolodex.
November 30, 2020-How are you stressed?
How you view stress can literally be the difference between life and death.
November 27, 2020-dealing with physical and emotional pain
Physical pain and emotional pain are linked in so many ways. How do we deal with all types of pain? How do we keep moving forward?
November 26, 2020-attitude of gratitude
We have a lot to be thankful for. Make a list and tell everyone who is in your list! Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2020-the possible mindset
8 activation tips to see and choose the possibilities in your life. Look at failures and results instead of disasters.
November 25, 2020-the law of the compass
There are 6 compasses that John Maxwell says we need to truly be successful. What are they? This is part 1 as both of my readings this morning dealt with similar topics. I love how God works like that! Part 2 is coming later today.
November 24, 2020-stuff takes time
It takes more than one season to build a good dynasty football team because stuff takes time. Your life is worth the investment and the wait.
November 23, 2020-Forgiveness and Thanskgiving
How does forgiveness and being thankful affect our brains? Who did I discover that I need to forgive?
November 20, 2020-what’s in it for me?
Sometimes the Lord connects the dots and puts the right thing in front of you at the right time to remind you why you’re doing the things you do.
November 19, 2020-calling an audible
Growth requires change and change often hurts. Here’s one change I made today that didn’t hurt at all. What audible do you need to call in your life?