Hearts Unleashed

Hearts Unleashed

323: Chakra Series: 15 Min Fill Up: Third Eye Chakra

May 17, 2023

Welcome to the Chakra Series, a beginners and intermediate guide to the Charka system, what they do, and what this means for you and your life. I am also sharing key factors about the charkas including their location, governing characteristics, unbalanced implications, and more. I am also explaining the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual impact of the Chakras and how you can clear, balance, and realign your Chakra system to live your total healthiest life.

In this episode, we are discussing the Third Eye. Sometimes considered the "First Eye" or "Spiritual Eye,' this energy center, is a portal to infinite wisdom. This is one of the most commonly and collectively blocked Chakras and many people can physically feel when this Chakra is being cleared and coming online. If you have been feeling foggy, overwhelmed, confused, or disoriented lately, this is a perfectly timed episode for you.