Hearts Unleashed

Hearts Unleashed

288: Reprogramming Hustle Culture with Betsy & Laura Milne

May 18, 2022

Listen in to a goldmine of brilliance in my conversation with Betsy Milne & Laura Milne, the coaches and creators behind the global community and HD brand, Luscious Hustle! Born from the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to “hustle”. As ambitious, goal-oriented women, Betsy and Laura were tired of the endless struggle to succeed by following the “old bro culture” cycle of grind and exhaustion. Through learning and deeply embodying their very different Human Designs, Betsy and Laura were each able to transform their lives, heal old wounds, rebuild broken relationships, discover how to work, and make money in the ways that are aligned and deeply fulfilling. In this episode, we dive into the depths of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to live in your most aligned way so be sure to go hit play right away!