Hearts Unleashed

Hearts Unleashed

271: The Rebel Therapist with Annie Schuessler

November 19, 2021

There are too many gifted people not making any money with their gifts! That is the discussion I got to have with Rebel Therapist, Annie Schuessler, in this Friday Fill Up. Annie is a business coach and the host of the Rebel Therapist Podcast. She helps therapists, healers, and coaches make an impact beyond a traditional private practice with her innovative programs. 

We talk about turning your gifts and passions into a profession in this episode and I love Annie's perspective on how to do that. She shares her own story of maxing out in her biz, how she found balance, and how she helps other amazing people do the same. We often have a hard time striking a healthy balance in our lives and Annie shares ways to do that while also stretching towards our goals and reaching our dreams. This will be the perfect episode to help you do it too!