Hearts Unleashed

Hearts Unleashed

131: Having a Magical Life Regardless of the Hand You’ve Been You Dealt with Keelan Wendorf

March 27, 2020

Prepare to be mesmerized by a conversation about chasing your dreams in the face of any challenge. Prepare to be inspired to master your craft and develop your skills no matter how long it takes! Magician Keelan Wendorf shares how he never let his dreams die even in the face of feeling unheard, unseen, or unsuccessful. Keelan is a beautiful example of what it looks like to show up for your dream for decades for the love of the craft. He is constantly developing, evolving, and getting closer to his dreams by the minute. One of my favorite aspects of this episode is that there is no ‘made it moment’ that we fol ourselves about. When you love what you do, you show up for it no matter what. When obstacles arise, you show up for yourself not because it's easy or simple but because you love it. Keelan’s commitment to using comedy and magic to inspire others, lighten their hearts, make them laugh, and ignite the spark in their dreams, keeps him booking shows and performing street magic and that is exactly why we had to put him on the show! He knows where he is going and he holds his vision clearly while he walks his journey in blind faith in his success. So if you need a dose of inspiration to keep going for what you daydream about, this is the perfect episode for you.