Hearts Unleashed

Hearts Unleashed

006: Resetting Our Subconscious Software with Brenda Flowers-Specht

August 24, 2018

WOW Hearts! If you are looking to better understand the power and impact of the subconscious mind, tune in to this episode! From stress, to muscle pain, physical illness, allll the way to Alzheimer's, Brenda teaches us how deeply rooted energy/memories can affect our minds and bodies. This conversation promotes the value of introspective reflection and mindset work. Brenda in a mind-body energy worker and she speaks to the power of gratitude and great food to nourish the body. She also shares how a conscious healthy, balanced lifestyle can begin to set us free to live fuller lives! This episode will leave you smiling, feeling lighter, and excited to start letting go of anything holding you back and grabbing on to your best life Beyond Wholeness!