Hearts Unleashed

388: 15 Min Fill Up: Lifestyle Vs Result
Too many people think they want the lifestyle of their dreams when really they just want the result. In their mind’s eye, they see an ideal life and can imagine themselves in the image/scene.
However, they don’t imagine the whole lifestyle they dream of…They only imagine the good and great parts. If you want to live a life of your personal definition of success then you have to be willing to live in alignment with that outcome. The lifestyle of having great health, wealth, and abundance of happiness and ease, also comes with persistence, discipline, commitment, sacrifice, dedication, and more. But most people only envision cashing the check, kissing the dream person, relaxing in their dream house, driving their dream car, and enjoying vacations but never daydream about the path it will take to get there and all the behind the scenes work it will take. Check out this episode to break the habit that keeps you only ever dreaming of your most ideal life so you can start living it much sooner!