Healthy U

Healthy U

Healthy University: Episode 37 – Stress and Isolation Issues

September 21, 2016

Dr. Robert Wright Jr. and Mrs. Christine Wright from Stress Free Now ( join friend and  Healthy University host, Alan Eisenberg, in a first of it’s kind joint Podcast to discuss how every day stress can lead to isolation and other health issues. Dr. Bob, the Stress Relief Doctor, is an Executive Stress Management Wellness Coach who helps high achieving individuals and groups get ahead of the stress curve by giving them the tools they need to address and dissolve their habitual stress, anxiety, grief and chronic pain. Dr. Bob’s client-centered approach treats each person as the unique individual that they are. An innately curious alternative thinker, Christine Wright, M.A has a passion for coaching, teaching and sharing information. Her versatile experience spans careers in performing dance, elementary and secondary education, non-profit Community Based Organizations, retailing, administration, management, and publishing.

Stress Free Now Website:
Stan’s Stress Free Now Podcast:
Stress Free Now Blog:
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