Healthy U

Healthy U

Healthy University: Episode 28 – Dr. Susan Swearer on the Bullying Research Network

June 23, 2016

Professor and Co-Director of the  Bullying Research Network (BRNET), Dr. Susan M.Swearer, PhD, talks with host, Alan Eisenberg, about the research and work that BRNET is doing to help solve the bullying problem and the affected individuals dealing with this issue. Susan Swearer is an associate professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Co-Director of the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology. Dr. Swearer is interested in the associated psychosocial effects of bullying for students involved along the bully/victim continuum. She is also interested in the assessment of bullying/victimization and the use of data-based decision-making in guiding bullying prevention and intervention for school-aged youth.

Website: Bullying Research Network Home Page
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