Healthy Success

Healthy Success

How To Edit Your Perfect Picture of Success with Michael Gebben

January 06, 2016

Have you ever asked anyone how they define success?
Asking just a few people will help you to see that everyone's definition of it is completely different.
Unfortunately, too many people in the self-help space project their meaning of the word onto their audience...
... and it makes their following feel guilty if they don't live up to it.
Which is why it's so critical to know what makes you happy and fulfilled at the end of the day – it's like a golden ticket.
And today's guest is here to help you find a "golden ticket" of your own.
Michael Gebben went from dreading life in his business to discover what he truly loved doing – and what others were wanting to pay premium prices for.
He's the founder of Jumpstarters, where he offers on and offline experience to help people create success by realizing maximum results in minimum time.
Here are a few other things you're going to hear about:

Why “more” usually isn’t more (especially if you want to bring in more money for your business)
How to know if you’re actually of disservice to your customers (and what to start doing now to fix the problem)
What ‘resistance’ is and what to do when you face resistance in your business or life
What happens when you let others define success for you (that leaves you feeling empty inside and not living to your highest potential)
What percentage of success is mindset vs. us skill-set (the difference may shock you)
The difference between what our society teaches and what the happiest people
How to know if you’re truly failing at what you’re doing in life
What Lord Of The Rings can teach you about determining what’s good and bad

In today’s bonus called “Ready, Set, Action! - 3 steps for M.I.A (Massive Imperfect Action)” I’ve outlined the key items Michael shares in today's show as a guide for you to take Massive Imperfect Action you can start seeing results right away!
To grab your FREE Bonus listen to the full episode or head over to