Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations with Dr Tarlow

Healthy Alternatives to Vaccinations with Dr Tarlow

Latest Episodes

Epi 75 | Roots of Healing | Holistic Autism Conference with Dr. Brian Hooker
June 04, 2023

Dr Hooker interviews Dr Tarlow on the upcoming Roots of Healing | Holistic Autism Conference taking place in August 18-20, 2023. Learn about why the focus of this conference is on Food as Medicine: Fo

Epi 74 | Getting to the Root Cause of Autism with Dr Larry Miller
May 26, 2023

Larry Miller, DO had very little knowledge of autism until his own son regressed at around 18 months. His daughter, on the other hand, was slow to progress and didn't have that profound change in her

Ep 72 | Is the Hep B shot safe & necessary? with Brian Hooker, PhD
March 03, 2023

Dr Nancy Tarlow and Dr Brian Hooker break down the vaccine ingredients are harmful, factual information as to who gets Hep B, why are other countries aren't giving it to newborns! Why does the United

Epi 71 | Top 10 Reasons to not give the "V!d" shot to Children
February 13, 2023

Conversation with Zoey O'Toole. Did you know the vid shot was just added to the childhood schedule? What does this potentially mean for your child to attend school or college? Are you aware of the ris

Epi 70 | Vaccine Science and Myths with Zoey O'Toole
February 13, 2023

Vaccine Safety Science: Are childhood vaccines are tested against inert placebos. Doe the CDC investigate vaccine side effects? How Effective is The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAER

Epi 69 | Boosting Immune Function with Essential Oils with Dr Shelton
February 12, 2023

Leti Shelton, PhD and Chemical Engineer will guide us on the elements of essential oils. She discusses some that are good for healing but also the process to make them and how to use them safely. You

Epi 68 | How Safe are the Shots? Part 2 with Dr Brian Hooker
February 09, 2023

In this episode, we pick up where we left off on Episode 67. To see the episode, go to Rumble or CHD TV (Doctors and Scientists)

Next Steps and Creating a Parallel Economy
February 08, 2023

Next Steps is a conference taking place Feb 22-25 2023 in Buford GA. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people and learn the skills for journalism, creating a sustainable homestea

Epi 67 | How Safe are the Shots? with Dr Brian Hooker - Part 1
February 07, 2023

This podcast segment originally aired on CHD Tv where Dr. Hooker and Dr Tarlow discuss studies that are done on the shots on the childhood schedule. They lead you through HOW you can find the data whi

Epi 66: Dr Cilla Whatcott: How do you create a strong & healthy immune system?
January 17, 2023

Dr Cilla Whatcott brings a rich and varied background of personal and professional experiences to her healing practice. She holds a B.A. degree from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four y