Healthspan Academy

Healthspan Academy

Building Consistency, Passion, and Efficiency for the Most Critical Health, Fitness, and Biohacking Habits

September 26, 2022

In this week’s episode of Healthspan Academy, I spoke with Health Coach & Research Psychologist Dr. Kasey Jo Orvidas. We discussed some of the key research and tactics for developing positive life changes. We talked about the prerequisites for making long-term changes for the better and also how to overcome challenges, set-backs, and roadblocks along the way. Kasey also provided her insight on creating the ideal support structure to optimize outcomes. 

Kasey has transformed hundreds of lives (and minds) in her coaching career, while also being published in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals for her research exploring the relationship between our mindset and our health and fitness behaviors. As a health and fitness coach, she was the Mastermind behind the creation of the Health Mindset Coaching Certification for health & fitness professionals.

Dr. Orvidas completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at North Carolina State University where her research focused on health behavior change and mindsets – specifically dwelling on eating and exercise behaviors, body image, and self-regulation. In addition to her graduate training, she is also a certified nutrition coach and owner of KJO Coaching.

She is also a writer and member of the scientific review board for Legion Athletics, where she shares her knowledge and passion for all things fitness, nutrition, and psychology. In addition, Dr. Kasey also makes guest appearances sharing her knowledge on numerous health & fitness podcasts.

Find out more about Dr. Kasey on her website and on Instagram @coachkaseyjo.

*** Please note that the content discussed in this podcast is intended for self-education and is not to be interpreted as medical advice.