Healthspan Academy

Healthspan Academy

Key Principles of Prehabilitation and Joint Pain Correction with Dr Stacie Barber

August 08, 2022

In this week’s episode of Healthspan Academy, I chatted with Dr. Stacie Barber, a Physical Therapist and founder of “The Physio Fix” in Phoenix, Arizona. We covered all things physical therapy from her background to her passion for helping people move better and feel better. We talked about the key foundational principles of mobility work as a tool for injury prevention and movement prep. Stacie talked about the key exercises that should be included in a weekly routine, in order to optimize joint function and longevity. We talked about how and when to apply ice, cold therapy, and compression to facilitate recovery. Stacie talked about the use of Olympic lifting as an anti-aging tool, and also the future of the mobility industry. 

Dr. Stacie Barber received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from Illinois State University in 2011 where she was an NCAA student-athlete, earning several honors in the sport of gymnastics. After undergrad, Stacie went on to become a strength and performance coach, furthering her knowledge of exercise prescription and implementation. With a special interest in sports rehab/prehab, she later pursued her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree which she obtained from Duke University in 2015. By 2017, Dr. Stacie then founded “The Physio Fix”.

As a former collegiate gymnast and current Olympic Weightlifter, Dr. Stacie aims to bridge the gap between rehabilitation and sports performance. She has had her fair share of orthopedic injuries/surgeries and understands how detrimental an injury can be for an athlete at any level. She spends a lot of time with patients analyzing their movement patterns, identifying deficits, and improving body mechanics to not only fix the current problem but also prevent future compensations and degeneration.

Dr. Stacie enjoys working with the entire spectrum of patients of all ages who participate in a wide range of sports. To assist people to reach their maximum potential, she incorporates strength training, mobility training, and sports performance enhancement into all her treatment plans.

In her spare time, Dr. Stacie enjoys quality time at home with her husband and their five dogs who regularly provide “patient support” at her facility. She has competed in Gymnastics, Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding, and is currently pursuing her passion for Olympic Weightlifting.

Find out more about Dr. Stacie Barber on her website at and on Instagram at @thephysiofix.

*** Please note that the content discussed in this podcast is intended for self-education and is not to be interpreted as medical advice.