Healthspan Academy

Healthspan Academy

Resolving and Preventing Back Dysfunction with World-Class Spine Expert Dr. Stuart McGill

May 02, 2022

In this week’s episode of Healthspan Academy, I chatted with spine biomechanics mastermind Dr. Stuart McGill. We chatted about the most effective tactics for rehabilitating and preventing back pain and improving performance. Dr. McGill discussed the data and methodology he used to develop the “big 3” as his common recommended pain resolution protocol. We talked about 

Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo, where he taught for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigated issues concerning the etiology of back pain, how to rehabilitate back-pain patients, and how to improve injury resilience and performance. 

Dr. McGill started his academic career with a bachelor’s degree in Health and Performance at the University of Toronto then went on to attain a master’s degree in Anthropology and Biomechanics from the University of Ottawa. Later, he completed his PhD in Kinesiology and Biomechanics at the University of Waterloo.

During his scientific journey, he mentored 37 graduate students and taught thousands of clinicians and practitioners in professional development and continuing education courses around the world. Furthermore, governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups, celebrities and elite athletes and teams from across the globe frequently seek his counsel. 

He has also authored several books on low back disorders and back pain. Over 245 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers, multiple textbooks, and numerous international accolades, including the Order of Canada in 2020 for leadership in the field of back pain, have resulted from his efforts. Currently, Dr. McGill continues to serve as Backfitpro Inc.’s Chief Scientific Officer. 

Find more about his work through his website at

*** Please note that the content discussed in this podcast is intended for self-education and is not to be interpreted as medical advice.