Health Hats, the Podcast

Latest Episodes
From Dick Tracy to AI: Out of Mind to Beyond Mind
- Demystify AI's evolution, from Netflix recommendations to ChatGPT, exploring how neural networks learn & why even AI creators can't fully explain how it works. - Summary - Claude AI used in this s
Foreboding and Morbid Curiosity
Reflecting on community & self-care post-election. MS teaches patience. Adjusting media habits, finding strength in family history, music, & trusted connections. - Summary - Health Hats muses about ph
AI: Neither Artificial nor Intelligent. Useful and Sobering
What kind of Artificial Intelligence does Health Hats, the Podcast, use in production? Understanding types of AI, transparency, and ethical considerations. - Summary - Perplexity used in this summary
Insight to Impact: Patient Voices in Health Tech & Policy
Effective solutions & ethical guardrails for data-driven decision-making, care, & treatment require patient involvement in policy & technology development. - Summary - Patient Insights on Health Acces
Accessible Off-Road Travel in an All-Terrain Wheelchair
Philip Shadle, CEO, Aimee Copeland Foundation opens outdoor accessibility for disabled individuals with all-terrain wheelchairs. My endorphins flow. Yeehaw! - Summary - This podcast episode features a
Communication Ninjas: Practice, Trust, Evidence
Aaron Carroll, CEO of Academy Health, discusses his journey to improve health systems & decision making through community engagement & repetitive communication. - Summary - Aaron Carroll, CEO of Acade
Adieu Mighty Casey, Flow On
Family and friends dispersed Mighty Casey (Mary) Quinlans ashes in the Gulfstream, reflecting on her life and sharing outrageous and mundane pics and stories. - Summary - On May 24, 2024, Mighty Case
Exploring Long Covid One Spoonful at a Time
Shana Davidson shares her day-to-day Long Covid challenges using the "spoon theory," a metaphor for the limited energy reserves people with chronic illness face - Summary - The episode explores the fa
A Forrest Gump Career: Chance, Gifts, Support, and Privilege
Turn-around: Grandson interviews Health Hats about his Zelig-like career path and choices: unpredictable, privileged, mentored, supported, and spiritually healthy. - Summary - Health Hats is interview
Camden Coalition. The Jury’s In. Long-term Partnerships Rule
Kathleen Noonans quest to build bridges between communities & researchers with long-term relationships & respect for experience & expertise, just like juries. - Summary - Kathleen Noonan, the CEO, ca